The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
398 lines
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* Version 3.1 *
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Gary LaRonge
3023 Wilderness Loop S.E.
Olympia, Washington
(C) Copyright 1988
Version 3.1
VEHICLE EXPENSES provides a means of writing, storing and
maintaining files of four categories, fuel, scheduled, emergency and
other expenses, related to the operation and maintenance of motor
vehicles or other equipment.
Using VEHICLE EXPENSES is quite easy. The data base is created by
simply assigning a file name and adding the appropriate information.
After the file has been created, and the appropriate data has
been entered, save the file using a unique name that in some way
identifies the machinery to which it pertains. Some names that you
might consider are vehicle type (MUSTANG, PICKUP, BIGTRUCK, etc.) or
license number (DAT111, FGH089, etc.). The method you choose is not
important as long as it is meaningful to you. The file may now be
added to, deleted from, edited, printed to screen or printed to
printer as your needs dictate.
VEHEXP31.TXT- This documentation.
VEHEXP31.EXE- The main program.
SAMPLE.EXP - A sample vehicle expense file. This file
may be used to practice editing, printing,
etc. until you feel comfortable enough to
create your permanent files.
HASERROR.EXP- This expense file has an out of sequence
entry in it. Select "print file to screen"
to see the results.
EXPINSTL.BAT- A batch file to assist installing VEHICLE
EXPENSES 3.1 on a hard disk.
TYPEDOC.BAT - A batch file to automate document printing.
NOTE- DOS Version 2.0 + is required for proper operation of this
What's NEW in Version 3.0 -
1- Now writes files using different extensions than earlier
<filename>.FUE = Fuel expenses
<filename>.SM = Scheduled maintenance expenses
<filename>.EM = Emergency expenses
<filename>.OTH = Other expenses
This was necessary to gain the added record capacity.
2- Handles up to 157 records of each category. It is suggested that
new files be started annually and retain a separate disk of the
data entered for the previous year.
-Version 3.1-
Changes in user input fields
Change of Address
NOTE- If your computer is equipped with a color video board and a
mono monitor, it will be necessary to utilize the configuration
file to advise the program of the mono monitor.
The Version 3.0 file structure is not compatible with the structure
of earlier versions. The differences between the two file structures
is so great that it is not practical to write a conversion program,
so it will be necessary to start new expense files.
To install VEHICLE EXPENSES on a hard disk, place the floppy disk
containing VEHICLE EXPENSES 3.1 and the files previously mentioned,
in drive A: and type EXPINSTL <enter>. A directory named C:\EXPNS
will be created on the hard disk and the files on the floppy disk in
drive A: will be copied to the new directory. When the file transfer
has been completed, type C: <enter> to access the hard disk, then
type CD\EXPNS to change directory to the new maintenance directory.
Version 3.1 supports a configuration file that is named
VEHEXP30.CNF. When the program is invoked it checks for the presence
of VEHEXP30.CNF. If the file is found, the data contained becomes
values which determines, the name in line one of the opening screen,
monitor type definition, and the I.D. of the disk drive/sub-
directory containing the expense files.
To invoke VEHICLE EXPENSES, Type VEHEXP31 <enter>.
An opening screen will appear with the prompt "Press <ENTER> to
continue" displayed at the bottom of the screen. At this point, if
you wish to create a configuration file, hold down the control key
and press F1. Follow the prompts to complete the three required
If you wish to install password protection, hold down the control,
shift and alternate keys and press F10. Enter the desired password
and be certain that it is not forgotten or you are in serious
trouble. Normally, use of password access will not be desired or
Press <ENTER> to continue and when the opening screen clears you will
see the main menu which displays the following choices;
1- SELECT expense file.
2- PRINT expense file.
3- ADD expense records.
4- EDIT expense records.
5- DELETE expense FILES.
6- EXIT to DOS
Let's explore the options-
"SELECT expense file" is normally going to be your first choice
after the file has been created. When selected, you will need to
specify the type of file to select as fuel, scheduled, emergency, or
other, then all expense files are sorted and displayed with a
numerical reference. Simply enter the number assigned to the file of
your choice and that file will be opened and prepared for processing.
Up to 10 files will read into the directory for selection. If you
require maintaining data for more than 10 vehicles or pieces of
equipment, ask about our Commercial version. It is also very
inexpensive and offers nice features and handles 200 vehicles.
If you wish to create a new file, press <ESC> instead of entering
a file number.
"PRINT maintenance due"
When selected, you will need to choose one of the four available
categories, fuel expenses, scheduled expenses,emergency expenses or
other expenses. A print sub-menu offers the choices of "Print to
screen" or "Print to printer", you may then indicate your choice of
printing "all" records or a "single" record of the selected category.
If "print to printer" was your choice, you will be given the
opportunity to enter up to a 50 character title header for the
printed sheet. The print routine uses no special character codes so
it should function correctly with most printers.
"ADD expense records"
As additional expenses are encountered, they may be entered into the
main file with this option. You will be asked to enter the date,
mileage, and cost of the expenditure and if the selected category is
fuel, you will be asked to enter the amount of fuel purchased. Two 60
character comment lines have been provided in each entry to make
appropriate notes regarding that entry.
"EDIT expense records"
After selecting the desired category, you may opt to edit a record by
browsing through all records to edit as necessary or you may choose a
record by record number. When the appropriate record has been
displayed, you simply enter the number of the line to edit and make
the necessary corrections. Returning to the expense menu will cause
the file to updated automatically.
"DELETE expense files" should be used with caution. DO NOT
confuse this option with an editing function. This selection ERASES
enter the number of the file to be deleted as shown on the directory
of expense files. You will then be given an opportunity to abort the
operation if you choose to do so.
"EXIT to DOS" is the end of biz!.
This software is provided "as is" and offers no warranty, express or
implied. The author accepts no liability for this software use or
misuse, or any consequential, special, or exemplary damages
attributed to it's use.
In most situations, pressing <esc> will get you out of a place in
which you don't wish to be.
My thoughts on contributions for shareware. Pretty simple, If you
decide to use this software and wish to contribute the suggested
value I will be forever grateful, If you feel you can't afford the
suggested amount, contribute what you think will better suit your
budget. If you want to use the software and contribute nothing, I
guess you will probably do just that. The down side of using
shareware and failing to contribute for its use is becoming more and
more evident. A few years ago, it was not difficult to find full
featured software readily available but now, thanks to those who
don't wish to support a fine system, we are seeing more and more
"teaseware", that is software that has been released without being
fully implemented. One of the beauties of the shareware system,
besides extremely low cost, is the opportunity to test new software
and be sure it suits ones needs before spending a couple of dollars
and with "teaseware" that benefit is being restricted. Let's not
destroy the system altogether. The thought of being restricted to
purchasing only commercial software is not a pretty one.
Please mail to:
Gary LaRonge
3023 Wilderness Loop S.E.
Olympia, Washington 98501
Please add my name to the list of registered users of-
VEHEXP31 (Individual use - $ 5.00)
(Commercial use - $20.00)
NOTE- Commercial registration includes the next release on disk.
BUSINESS NAME- __________________________________
DEPT- ___________________________________________
NAME- ___________________________________________
ADDRESS- ________________________________________
CITY, STATE- ____________________________________
ZIP CODE- _______________________________________
Please accept my sincere thanks,